Yuan Blog

「仰望星空 脚踏实地」

PRS score (2)

PRS calculation using plink

君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣 This is part 2 of PRS score calculation blog. The first part focuses on QC in base and target GWAS Required files Before calculating PRS scores, the following files are r...

PRS score

A tutorial based on PLINK, PRSice 2, LDpred 2 and lassosum

My Weakness, My Strength Recently, I have genetic data to be added to my AD models. For each subject, I intended to add their PRS score of AD as a new feature. This blog is based on two tutor...

Sampling Methods

MCMC and Beyond

学而时习之,不亦乐乎 Introduction Computer sampling provides revolutional tools to Bayesian statistics, where posterior distribution is not always directly available. In Bayesian philosophy, a parameter...

Multiple Comparisons After ANOVA

with p adjusted

stay hungry ANOVA and post hoc ANOVA In an ANOVA experiment, if we got a pvalue indicating significant(reject null), we need go to pairwise comparisons to find out the extact pairs that showin...

Eigengene: explaination and reproduce


wake up! Eigengene The concept of eigengene was first introduced by Orly et al. By definition, eigengenes are the right singular vectors of the SVD of the expression matrix(row as genes, colu...



sweet! Data.table I’ve worked on large dataset for a long time. Previously, I mainly used dataframes to deal with various data manipulations and wranglings. It is OK and I got used to that. Ho...



You are furious because of ignorance Copies and views are very common in python, especially when you are working with arrays, lists, pandas. I’m aware of this, still, was trapped in a bug beca...

”google scholar part2”

”using pymed”

I have nothing to say Continue Most author information from google scholar are not complete. To overcome this problem, and get a more precise author overlap analysis. I searched each paper in...

”google scholar part1”

”using selenium”

A year’s plan starts with spring During the Christmas holidays, I rewrote my google scholar analytic piplines. Though the current version is still tough, it returns the basic information we wa...

Adaptor Trimming


All tools work well enough RNAseq pipline update(2) During the library preparation process, Illumina adapter sequences are annealed to sequencing reads. The adapter sequences are required for...