Yuan Blog

「仰望星空 脚踏实地」

RNASeq Pipline


RNASeq: from fastq to transcript counts VS code is the best text editor! Updated RNASeq pipline (1) I update my pipline for analyzing RNASeq data recently, using salmon 1.5.2. This blog i...



To use pymed package to search pubmed database, we need to have an NCBI account and an ‘API’ key generated from NCBI account settings. After this basic info, I query Pubmed with different titles to...

Bellman Equations

Deep reinforcement learning series

We all learn through rewarding systems. Our body also adapted through ‘awarding’ systems. I went through Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Algorithms, by Alekh Agarwal, Nan Jiang, Sham Kakade...

street fighting scientist

try all you can

Time is mana An inspiring lecture Street Fighting Mathematics by Ryan O’Donnell for general introductions to approaching theory-ish problems. Indeed, most of time, we are jumping between an e...

Python Google Scholar

Web Scraping with Selenium

Life is hard, and ignorance makes it harder I was trying to analyze my google citations. After testing several github repositories, I found two of them are helpful for my task. One is gschola...

ssh keygen ssh add

ssh kegen

ssh-keygen ssh-keygen pairs: Generate key pairs The algorithm is selected using the -t option and key size using the -b option. The following commands illustrate: 1 2 3 4 5 ssh-keygen ...


rJava configurations

rJava.so I got this error message when trying to load “SqlRender” Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘SqlRender’: .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for ‘rJava’, details: call: dyn...

Posting Blog

Fast Blog Settings

快速发布博客 Rakefile 设置好根目录下的Rakefile,重点设置好时间之类的参数,然后在terminal里运行: rake post title=”xxxx” subtitle=”xxx” 即可自动生成文件名,然后打开对应的md文件,书写博客,里面的参数根据需要可以调整。 我在原作者的Rakefile基础上,增加: date2 = (ENV[‘date’] ? Ti...

Hello 2021

"Hello World, Hello Blog"

“Yeah It’s on. ” 正文 这个博客的框架来源 GitHub Pages + Jekyll 快速 Building Blog 的技术方案。 其优点非常明显: Markdown 带来的优雅写作体验 非常熟悉的 Git workflow ,Git Commit 即 Blog Post 利用 GitHub Pages 的域名和免费无限空间,不用自己折腾...