Yuan Blog

「仰望星空 脚踏实地」

Dynamic Headings in Rmarkdown

Output text as raw Markdown content

I have nothing to say. Fingers crossed I’m writing a R markdown file to process bulky RNAseq analysis and generate reports for general lab experiments. To better presents the results in the f...

Generate automatic reports using R markdown

Parameters from R to yaml to markdown

Time to summarise Intention One colleague asked me about the potential effects of center drugs on AD, based on NACC dataset. The task is easy: get a contingency table of (drug_Normal,drug...

Get REF bfiles

This is a subtitle

Time to summarise

config R libPath in ubuntu

by specify lib

After install R,and Rstudio-desktop in ubuntu, I’m trying to work under ubuntu to analyze previous pending jobs. When, installing the required packages in Rstudio, I got the “installationpath not ...

Config cuda enabled deep learning machines

version matches matters

勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为 I spent the whole weekend trying to install a cuda-enabled deep learning machine. Similar to most of other tasks, if you are in the right way, you could finish them in 30 mins...

Windows ubuntu duo system


corinthians,12:9-10: But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Chris...

Dropbox is stuck at syncing xxx files

solved through fixing hardlinks and permissions

Stay focused I have used Dropbox for more than 5 yrs now. Recently, the Dropbox desktop app is stuck at ‘syncing 2 files’ or ‘indexing 2 files’. Furthermore, this made dropbox occupy too much...

PRS score (3)

using PRSice-2, lassosum

君子和而不同 This is the third part of the PRS blog, calculating PRS scores using PRSice2 and lassosum. Tip: Key point to calculate PRS The formula to calculate PRS score is given in "PRS score...

jekyll theme information tags

note warning tip important callout

Fly high Jekyll provide flexible ways to write alert information in your markdown blogs. I choose the one contributed by tomjoht, which is the updated. Still, there is an order version, from ...

jekyll markdown tabs

Using Navtabs

The palest ink is better than the best memory Github markdown tabs I tried some different implementations. Based on jekyll configs, Navtabs is most flexible to my knowlege, with least changes ...